Forums › 招聘求职 › 今朝机会今朝看,一朝错过难再逢 This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2023-08-1804:14 by missren. Creator Topic 2023-08-18 at 04:14 #5962 missrenParticipant 赞成Up0Down 反对:: 让你的业余时间发挥更大的价值,来一份有意义的财富自由 1.英语交流没问题,熟练收发英文邮件。 2.有较强的学习能力,和沟通能力,善于交流 3.性别不限,工作态度积极 4.要有合法身份,有客服经验着优先 5工作内容:上架产品 处理信息 回复消息即可 6薪资:日结多劳多得 出单提成(每单20-50$) 详情加我微信c526934484 Creator Topic You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In